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Pardot Lists are a group of prospects that can be used to send lists emails or to build marketing programs. Once a list is created you can add prospects to the lists. List can also be used to segment your prospect to create more views of  prospects . You can export those lists to view and analyse the prospects data in .CSV file. Prospect can be added to an unlimited number of lists .

Difference b/w Campaigns and Lists

Campaign with Example:

You are creating a new series of pay per click ads and want to track where a prospect originates when they arrive at your website. In this scenario, you are tracking new visitors and you want to record the first marketing campaign they interact with , this is when you will create a Pardot campaign.


List with Example:

You want to send out a monthly webinar email invitation to your prospects. It does not matter where the prospects originated, you want everyone who is interested in that webinar topic to receive the webinar invitation. In this scenario, you will create a new Pardot list of the interested prospects. You do not need to take the prospects campaign into account when creating this list. Once the list is created you can add prospects to the list via automation rules, segmentation rules or manually through any prospect table.

Type of Lists

Static Lists: They are a way to manually organize a set of prospects and group them together. Once a static list is created, the list members will remain the same unless you add or remove prospects manually. Prospects can be added to statics lists using one of the following ways:

  • Manually

  • At the time of imports

  • Automation Rules

  • Segmentation Rules

  • Through Prospects table actions


Dynamic Lists: They are “super smart” lists that automatically add or remove prospects based on criteria you set up. They are easy to set up and they maintain themselves ,which makes them a great choice for building list information that changes frequently. 

For more information about Static list and Dynamic List, click here.

How to create a Static List?

As we already discussed about the static lists ,Now we will learn how to create static lists:


  1. Navigate to Prospects tab and then click on Segmentation > Segmentation Lists.

  2. Click +Add List.

  3. Enter a Name for the list that will only be used for internal purposes.

  4. Choose a folder.

  5. Enter tags if you wish to tag the list

  6. Click Create List.

When to use Static Lists in email marketing?

Static lists consist of prospects that you build once and can change manually.You can add prospects manually or through automations. There are various cases in which we can use static lists but they are primarily used for one-off emails. Event  invitations ,special offer etc. Static lists are useful because you can add and remove prospect not on criteria basis.


Create An Email Test List:


  1. Create an Email Test List

    • While in Prospects > Segmentation > Segmentation Lists

    • Click +Add List

    • Enter a Name for the list that will only be used for internal purposes

    • Check Email Test List

    • Click Create List

  2. Add the User as a Prospect to the Test List

    • Navigate to Pardot Settings > User Management > Users

    • Within the Users table, check the row for a user that you manually created otherwise create new if needed.

    • choose Create prospect and add to test list > Internal Test List

    • Click Go

When to use Dynamic Lists in email marketing?

Dynamic lists are rule-based and automatically update when a prospect’s data changes.These are used for when you plan to send out a set of emails, and want to make sure the prospect meets specific criteria at the time of the email being sent. Many times marketers use dynamic lists in engagement studio programs.In dynamic lists as time goes on record would automatically be added or removed.

Create Dynamic List

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Marketing > Segmentation >Lists.

  2. Click +Add List.

  3. Enter the Suppression list: Emailed>2times in the past week suppression emailed>2 times in past week.

  4. Click Dynamic List.

  5. Click Set Rules.

  6. Click +Add New Rule.

  7. Select Prospect has been emailed :: 2 :: times in :: 7 :: days.

  8. Click preview

  9. Click Run rules.


 For more information related to dynamic lists click here

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